I'm so excited about our road trip I could pee my pants! But don't worry, I won't. I am a lady after all.
We'll be heading out in just 7.5 short weeks, and we'll be gone for two weeks.
Here's our route (the red line is our route there and the blue line is our route back home):

We already have the basics planned out, like how long we'll be driving each day and what cities we'll stay in each night. Plus we have four major stops planned - a Dodgers/Diamondbacks game in Phoenix, a Royals game in Kansas City, a few days visiting Aaron's cousin in Iowa, and a visit to Denver on the way home. Aaron's dream is to have visited every major league ballpark in the country before he kicks it. I think that's a cool idea, so we're getting started now. And he's always wanted to go to Denver. I'm excited about the adventure of a road trip, but Aaron took some convincing, so we decided to throw those things in for his benefit.
Most of our days will consist of 6 to 10 hours of driving. That is a LOT! So I've been spending some time on
this website looking for fun and funky roadside attractions along the way. Ya know, to break up the monotony of just driving, driving, driving... Most are just photo ops of old Route 66 relics. Personally, I am not a Route 66 fanatic, so I don't really care to see a bunch of boring old worn out stuff. I only want to see the cool old worn out stuff! Thank goodness for the internet.
Here are a few gems I've found:
A wild-west theme park in ruins-
A giant meteor crater-
Cadillac Ranch, of course-
A huge pair of legsI'm
really hoping I'll be able to post on here from the road, so if you're lucky, this blog will be a little more interesting for a while. Otherwise, you can come by our place and enjoy the scrapbook I make after we get back!
Woohoo! I can't WAIT!