
Wednesday's What We Know

We know a lot, Mr. VD and I. Aaron is even known as the "book of knowledge" among some of his friends, because he tends to know a lot of random factoids about a lot of random things. But even we don't know everything (although I think we're getting close). Here's a sampling of things we only recently learned:

1. Just last week I found out that brussels sprouts grow like this:

2. The wind can knock down a fence - twice.

3. Some people really are open to constructive criticism. (But you have to give it without judgment.)

4. When a cat is on a diet, said cat will eat more hastily than usual at feeding time. Then promptly throw up on the nearest rug. In a house full of hard floors.

Ahh life. It's full of lessons huh? Some more fun than others, and some I'll have to share another time. :)

Happy Hump Day!


Brandy Von Doeren said...

I learned this week that one red item really can distroy a white wash...who knew?
Learning is fun.
Have a great day.

Kitty said...

Haha! That's funny, Aaron learned that just a few weeks ago. I now have a couple pink towels...